Charged matter in exoplanet atmospheres
Invited talk, Charges Matter, 25-28 March 2025, ISTA, Klosterneuburg, Austria
Exoplanets in our front yards: Gas giant exoplanets and their climate regimes
Colloquium talk, Innsbruck Physics Colloquium, 28 January 2025, Universtität Innsbruck, Austria
Emerging Trends in Space Research and Technology with Machine Learning
Contributed talk, MLA2S – Machine Learning at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, 2 December 2024, Graz, Austria
Chemistry of exoplanet atmospheres: interaction of modelling and laboratory work
Invited talk, Exoplanets in Our Backyard III, 13-15 November 2024, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Extending our knowledge and improving our lives
Roundtable discussion, European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC), Plenary Session, 22-24 September 2024, Luxembourg
CHAMELEON finale: Achievements, Impact and New Avenues
Talk for the CHAMELEON conference, Young Scientist Satellite meeting, 3 August 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Probing gas-giant exoplanet day/night asymmetries with PLATO
Contributed talk, SS21 The PLATO mission: Towards new horizons in Exoplanet and Stellar Science, EAS Annual Meeting, 1-5 July 2024, Padova, Italy
Characterizing the complex chemistry of exoplanet atmospheres with virtual laboratories and space telescopes
Invited presentation, NORNDiP conference, 7-8 May 2024, Bergen, Norway
Exoplanet atmospheres: their 3D nature and complex chemistry in the era of CHEOPS, PLATO and ARIEL
Invited seminar, Centre of Excellence for planetary habilitability (PHAB), 7 May 2024, Oslo, Norway
Strong day/night differences as driver for terminator asymmetry in hot JWST exoplanet targets
Contributed talk, GVSEM IV, 3 May 2024, Graz, Austria
Raumfahrt made in Austria
Discussion round, Grete Rehor Matinée, Politische Akademie, 22 April 2024, Vienna, Austria
Yuri’s Night
Panel discussion, “Österreich kann Weltraum“, TMW, 12 April 2024, Vienna, Austria
Invited talk, Apéro musette, musette shop, 23 February 2024, Vienna, Austria
The different atmospheric regimes that characterise extrasolar planets
Invited talk, Heidelberg Joint Astronomy Colloquium, Heidelberg University, 21 November 2023
Innovationsabend SpaceTech
Discussion round, Politische Akademie, Vienna, 20 November 2023
IWF science and technology competence
Invited talk, Visit of the Classes of Natural Sciences of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to the Division of Mathematics and the Natural Sciences of the OeAW, OeAW, Vienna, 16 November 2023
Virtuelle Zwillinge zur Wettervorhersage auf Exoplaneten
Invited talk, AVK series of lectures “Talk am Turm”, Sternwarte Klagenfurt, 3 November 2023
The IWF exoplanet weather & climate modelling effort
Contributed talk, GVSEM III, Vienna, 4 October 2023
JWST: Einblicke in exotische Klimata und Welten
Talk for the URANIA series of lectures on JWST, URANIA Graz, 3 October 2023
Space science as inspirator and pathfinder
Keynote, European Interparliamentary Space Conference (EISC) Austria 2023, Vienna, 24-25 September 2023
Characterizing the ediversity of atmosphere regimes of gaseous exoplanets with virtual laboratories
Invited talk, International Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society, Berlin, 11-15 September 2023
PLATO as part of multi-messenger exoplanet characterization
Lead talk for WP “Clouds and atmosphere chemistry of exoplanets”, PLATO Workshop on 3D Climate and Clouds, IWF Graz, 11-13 September 2023
Edelsteinwolken in extrasolaren Planeten?
Talk, Graz in Space, IWF Graz, 7-8 September 2023
From the solar system into the galaxy
Talk, Visit of the ESA Director of Science to Austria, IWF Graz, 5 September 2023
The planets in our galaxy
Plenary talk, European Astronomical Society Annual Meeting (EAS 2023), Kraków, Poland, 10-14 July 2023
Vom Sonnensystem in die Galaxie: Weltraumforschung in Graz
Invited talk, Roadshow der Jungen Akademie, TU Graz, 13 June 2023
Space Science as inspirator and pathfinder for space industry
Invited talk, Ready for the Moon, Vienna, 2 June 2023
Wie passen Weltraumforschung und Kunst zusammen?
Podiums contribution jointly with Astrid Kury, Markus Jeschaunig und Michale Grill, Launch Event of Steiermark Schau, Vienna, 29 April 2023
From the solar system into the galaxy
Director’s talk, IWF Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, IWF Graz, 24-25 April 2023
Exoplanet Weather and Climate
Group leader’s talk, IWF Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, IWF Graz, 24-25 April 2023
Modelling cloud formation
Invited lecture, Cloud Academy III, 26-31 March 2023, Les Houches, École des Physique
Weltraum als Lebensraum
Invited talk, Rotary Club, Klagenfurt, 16 March 2023
Exoplanet Gas and Cloud Chemistry around different host stars
Contributed presentation, workshop at CAS MPE, Garching 9-10 March 2023
Virtual laboratories for understanding weather and climate regimes of extrasolar planets
Lecture, EAI Academy 2022/23, 11 January 2023
Extrasolare Planeten – Weltraumforschung außerhalb unseres Sonnensystems
Eingeladener Vortrag, “Silberne Diplome für die Studienrichtungen Darstellende Geometrie, Technische Mathematik, Technische Physik und Vermessungswesen”, TU Graz, 24. November 2022
Exoplaneten in der James-Webb-Ära
Invited talk, “Facetten der Physik“, University of Graz, 16 November 2022
Weather and climate regimes of exoplanets around different stars
Observing the Universe in Motion: 5 Years of GRAVITY, Schloss Ringberg, Bavaria, 23-27 October 2022
Global atmosphere gas and cloud chemistry of exoplanets around different host stars
From Clouds to Planet II: The Astrochemical Link, Harnack Hause, Berlin, 3-7 October 2022 (postponed from 2020)
Aspiration Weltraum – Terrestrische Einmaligkeit und planetare Vielfalt
Invited talk, Forum JOANNEUM RESEARCH – “Space als Motor der Wirtschaft”, Graz, 4 October 2022
Exoplanet Atmospheres in the JWST era
Invited talk, Summer School in Memoriam of Prof Ernst Dorfi, University of Vienna, 27 September 2022
New Space für ein wettbewerbsfähiges Österreich und Europa
Podiumsdiskussion, 35 Jahre Österreich bei der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation: Mensch, Klima, Wirtschaft – Weltraum ist für ALLE da!, Wolke 19 im ARES Tower, Vienna, 5 July 2022
NBIA Workshop on Radiation Transfer in Astrophysics
Invited talk (given by Dominic Samra), NBIA Workshop, June 2022
Clouds in exoplanet atmospheres
Invited talk, EAS Annual Meeting, Symposium S8 “Exoplanets in the 2020s”, Valencia, Spain, 29-30 June 2022
Das IWF – Der Blick in die Zukunft: Vom Sonnensystem in die Galaxie
Vortrag, 50 Jahre IWF Graz, Graz, 28 June 2022
Von fernen, fremden Welten
Vortrag, Halle für Kunst, Steiermark, 21 April 2022
Climate features in Exoplanet Atmospheres with different stellar environments
Colloquium talk, University of Vienna, December 2021
Virtual laboratories for Exoplanet Atmospheres:
Simulating the changing chemical regimes in cloudy atmospheres
Invited talk, Laborastrophysikworkshop 2021: Dust, Ice, and complex molecules in the ISM
22-24 November 2021, Dornburg (near Jena), Germany
Atmospheric chemistry of exoplanets and brown dwarfs: the formation of non-terrestrial clouds in a globally changing plasma environment
Invited review, ECLA 2020, 19-24 April 2020 –> postpones due to CV19 to 26 September – 1 October 2021, Capri, Italy (declined)
Mineral and carbo-hydrate clouds on WASP-43b
Cambridge, 16 February 2021
Ab-initio modelling of cloudy atmospheres
“Exoplanet modelling in the James Webb Era”, 8 January 2021, remotely
Physics and Chemistry of Exoplanet Atmospheres
Laboratory Astrophysics Workshop “Dust, Ice, and complex molecules in the ISM”
7-9 December 2020, Jena, German –> postponed due to CV19
SUPA/SUSSP Summer school ‘Exoplanets and Solar System Dynamics’
18-30 August 2020, Isle of Skye at Sabhal Mór Ostaig –> postponed due to CV19
Cloud particle surfaces and ionisation processes as stepping stones for organic chemistry?
Network of Researchers on the Chemical Evolution of Life
25-27 August 2020, St Andrews –> postponed due to CV19
Atmospheric chemistry of exoplanets and brown dwarfs: the formation of non-terrestrial clouds in a globally changing plasma environment
Invited review, ECLA 2020, 19-24 April 2020 –> postpones due to CV19 to 26 September – 1 October 2021, Capri, Italy
Modelling cloud formation: the devil sits in the micro-physics
Invited lecture, Cloud Academy II, 8-13 March 2019, Les Houches, France –> new proposal granted for 2022
(cancelled due to corona virus)
Brown dwarf atmospheres
Invited talk, BDEXOCON, Deleware October 2019
The chemical phases of exoplanets
Workshop lecture, Astrophysical Origins: Pathways from Star Formation to Habitable Planets, June – August 2019, Erwin-Schrödinger Institut, Vienna
Planet atmospheres and their composition: clouds, clouds and clouds
Invited review, STARPLANET 2019, 24-28 June 2019, Ringberg
Lightning and charge processes in brown dwarf and exoplanet atmospheres
Invited keynote, Annual Danish Astronomy Meeting, 2-3 May 2019, Nyborg Strand, Danmark
Analysing exoplanets and their atmospheres with virtual laboratories
Seminar, DTU, 1 May 2019, Copenhagen, Danmark
Lightning on other planets
Invited keynote, Electrostatics 2019, 8-11 April, Manchester
Lightning on Brown Dwarves and Exoplanets
Invited talk, Royal Society discussion meeting Advances in Hydrogen Molecular Ions: H3+, H5+ and beyond, 21-22 January 2019, Royal Society, London
abstract deadline 18 Jan 2019
Sparkling nights and fuming days on the giant gas planet WASP-18b
Lunch time talk, Astronomy Group, St Andrews, 6 Nov 2018
Cloud Academy: Cloud Formation and Properties in Extrasolar Planets
Les Houches Advanced School for Physics, 23 – 28 September 2018
Please find the material for the “Mapping Clouds on Exoplanets” activity here:
Activity Guide, static_weather package.
These are the lecture slides for the lecture on:
Cloud formation modelling in exoplanet atmospheres.
Here are additional resources for background reading: ‘Cloud formation and dust formation modelling’ on ResearchGates
The Chemistry of Planetary Atmospheres
COST Action CM1401 Our Astro-Chemical History: Past, Present and Future
10-14 September 2018, Assen, The Netherlands
Climate on Exoplanets
Monifieth Probus Club, 22 May 2018
The effect of cosmic rays on the ionisation and chemistry of exoplanets and brown dwarfs
Invited talk at Cosmic Rays – the salt in the star formation recipe 2-4 May 2018, Florence
Cloud formation modelling in exoplanetary atmospheres
Invited talk, Symposium 10, EWASS 3-6 April 2018, Liverpool
Exoplanets and Habitability
Invited talk at the 2018 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar
‘Prebiotic molecules in space and origins of life on Earth’
19-13 March 2018, Bad Honnef
Lunchtime legends
CAPOD course on leading a research group, 7 February 2018
Exoplanets: Humanity through the lens of the Universe
2 February 2018, Lecture for Universities of St Andrews Open Association
The exoplanet element abundance challenge
Seminar in the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences, St Andrews
24 January 2018
The atmospheres of extrasolar planets with mineral and diamond clouds
19 January 2018, Colloquium University Dundee
Have we reached the horizon of our knowledge?
Cloud formation in brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets
30 November 2017, FMF Symposium 2017, Groningen
Cloud formation is a long-standing challenge that recently received new attention with the discovery of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. Clouds are part of our everyday-life on Earth, most of the solar system planets are covered with clouds, and clouds do determine (and limit) our knowledge about exoplanet’s habitability. Clouds are linked to lightning which is discussed as trigger for life on Earth and maybe elsewhere. Modelling the formation of clouds is seen as one of the biggest challenges in modern astronomy, and clouds introduce the largest uncertainty into terrestrial climate predictions. So, have we reached our limits?
The physics behind cloud formation
14 November 2017, Seminar, University van Amsterdam
Deciphering exoplanet atmospheres in virtual laboratories
2 October 2017, Colloquium, University of Groningen
The Theory body behind Cloud and Dust Formation
20 September 2017, University Leuven
Modelling Exo-Clouds: the element abundance challenge
The PLATO Mission Conference 2017: Exoplanetary systems in the PLATO era
5-7 September 2017
Partially ionised atmospheric gas in cloud-forming, ultra-cool low mass objects
European Week of Astronomy and Space Science 2017
26-30 June 2017, Prague:
–> Energy release and radiation in partially ionized plasma of solar and stellar atmospheres
Diverse clouds in chemically diverse atmospheres of extrasolar planets with lightning
18 May 2017, Cambridge, Climate Science, Atmospheres and Life: From the Earth and Beyond
Charge Processes in Planetary Atmospheres
11 May 2017, Edinburgh Centre for Exoplanet Science
StA-CES @ IBANS Research Forum
23 March 2017, St Andrews
Sparkling clouds and the crackling of lightning in extrasolar planets
Public talk in winter series of British Science Association during Women in Science Festival in Dundee.
16 March 2017
The modellers take on clouds: what we know / don’t know
panel discussion talk in “Prospects to understand cloudy exoplanets” discussion during
UK Exom 2017,
15-17 March 2017, St Andrews
Charge processes, lighting in exoplanets
Lecture at the Les Houches Winter School Diversity of planetary circulation regimes, in our solar system and beyond, March 6-10, 2017
New insight in atmospheres of extrasolar planets through plasma processes
Seggauberg, October 2016
Diverse clouds in chemically diverse planetary atmospheres
Missing links from disks to planets, Konkoly Observatory, Budapest
Exoplanetary atmospheres:
Cloud formation and atmospheric electrification
Colloquium Oxford, June 2016
LEAP – Lightning, electricity, atmospheres of planetary objects
Colloquium Leicester, June 2016
LEAP – Lightning, electricity, atmospheres of planetary objects
Colloquium Cambridge, May 2016
Electricity in extrasolar planetary atmospheres
Colloquium Glasgow, April 2016
Plasma Processes in Cloud-forming Exoplanet and Brown Dwarf Atmospheres
29 Nov – 4 Dec 2015, invited contribution, Extreme Solar Systems III, Hawaii
Hot physics in cool atmospheres:
Cloud forming, radio emitting brown dwarf atmospheres
9 November 2015, UCL seminar talk
Exoplanet Atmospheres
5-8 October 2015, invited special talk, From clouds to protoplanetary disks: the astrochemical link, Berlin, Harnack Haus
Ionisation and discharge in cloud-forming extrasolar planetary atmospheres
23-28 August 2015, invited contribution, IPELS 2015, Pitlochry
Dust formation and the emergence of ionised clouds in atmospheres of planetary objects
17-21 August 2015, contributed talk, Cosmic Dust 2015, Tokyo
Theory and Modelling of cloud formation for planets ad brown dwarf atmospheres
30 July 2015, LEAP summer lecture series, St Andrews
Atmospheres of very-low mass stars and brown dwarfs – Recent results and prospectives
7-10 August 2015, invited review talk (not given)
Division G ‘Stars and Stellar Physics’ , IAU Assembly
Chemistry and physics of clouds in atmospheres
Planetary systems: A synergistic view
19-25 July 2015, invited talk, Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Data Needs in Solid State Astrochemistry
22 May 2015, invited talk, RES, Edinburgh
Ionisation in ultra-cool, cloud forming extrasolar planetary atmospheres
EGU, Origin of life and habitability: From Early Earth to the Solar System and Beyond (PS8.1/BG8.1), 12 – 17 April 2015, Vienna
Exoplanetary research in St Andrews
UK Community Exoplanetary Conference 2015
30 March – 1 April 2015, Warwick
Lunchtime Legends: Leading a Research Group
Professional and career management,
invited contribution, University of St Andrews, 30 March 2015
Planets, Atmospheres, Electricity, Life
Quantum SOC , University of St Andrews, 11 March 2015
New trends in atmosphere studies of ultra-cool stars:
ionisation in cloud forming atmospheres
ESO, science seminar, 4 March 2015
ESO, Women in Science workshop, 5 March 2015
Electrification of ultra-cool atmospheres across the star-planet boundary
MHD day Potsdam
December 2014, Potsdam
Bridging gaps and opening windows:
Electrification processes in cloud-forming ultra-cool stars and in planets
MPE Garching, seminar, December 2014
How charge processes affect exoplanetary atmospheres
Getting ready for Planetology beyond the Solar System
November 2014, invited contribution, Ringberg
astrophysical atmospheric electricity
Royal Meteorological Society Specialist Group on Atmospheric Electricity
5 November 2014, invited contribution, Bath, UK
Gemstones and Clouds in planets outside the solar system
21 September 2014, Anstruther Science Cafe
Large-scale properties of lightning in extrasolar objects
April 2014, EGU meeting 2014 , Vienna
Session Atmospheric Electricity, Thunderstorms, Lightning and their effects
Evolution of the atmosphere of exoplanets
April 2014, invited review, Exoplanetary Science , Quy Nhon, Vietnam
Expect the unexpected:
Non-equilibrium processes in Brown Dwarf model atmospheres
March 2014, Gaia and the Unseen: The Brown Dwarf Question , Torino, Italy
Ionisation regimes structuring planetary atmospheres
February 2014, ExoClimes III , Davos, Switzerland
Ionising atmospheres in Brown Dwarfs
January 2014, Bcool meeting , St Andrews, UK
Microphysics approach to atmospheric cloud formation in astrophysics
October 2013, seminar in Computational Chemistry, School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews
Clouds form everywhere: in Brown Dwarfs, Planets and in Gaps
September 2013, invited review, Exoplanets/Brown Dwarfs Mind the Gap, Hertfordshire 2013
Mineral clouds and ionisation processes in extrasolar, planetary atmospheres
September 2013, key note, EPSC 2013, Session Lightning, charging and atmospheric electricity, London 2013
Electrostatic break-down in thermally unionised, ultra-cool atmospheres
July 2013, Session 22: ‘Brown dwarfs and low mass stars’ , NAM 2013 , St Andrews, UK
Survey results: women astronomer in science
July 2013, invited contribution, lunch event ‘Women in Science’, NAM 2013 ,
St Andrews, UK
Survey of astronomers and their views on careers
July 2013, invited contribution, Session 17: ‘Careers, Work-Life balance and Returning’,NAM 2013 , St Andrews, UK
Mineral clouds and the conditions for lightning in atmospheres of extra-solar, planetary objects
May 2013, invited seminar, STARPLAN, Copenhagen, Denmark
Extra-solar lightning in atmospheric dust clouds
April 2013, TEA-IS network meeting,Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Ionisation of ultra-cool, cloud-forming atmospheres
March 2013, 527. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar ‘Plasma and Radiation Environment in Astrospheres and Implications for the Habitability of Extrasolar Planets’,Bad Honnef, Germany
Ionisation processes in ultra-cool atmospheres of low-mass stars
March 2013, invited talk , Nagoya University, Gifu, Japan, more information
Clouds in the atmospheres of exoplanets and brown dwarfs
March 2013, invited seminar, NAOJ , Tokyo, Japan
Ionisation of dusty, cloud forming atmospheres
March 2013, invited seminar, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
with video streaming to Tokyo University, Japan
Atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and Giant Gas Planets
February 2013, invited seminar, Nagoya University, Japan
Physics of clouds in brown dwarfs and exoplanets
February 2013, invited talk, Royal Astronomical Society, Specialist Discussion Meeting on clouds and condensates on hot exoplanets, London, UK
The Richness of Substellar Atmospheres: Cloud Formation and Global Electric Circuits
November 2012, Joint Astronomy Colloquium in Heidelberg, Germany
Why are BD atmospheres so special?
October 2012, International Conference ’50 Years of Brown Dwarfs’ at Ringberg castle, Bavaria, Germany
see press release
Electric field break-down in mineral clouds on giant gas planets
27 – 31 August 2012, contributed talk, IAU Symposium 293 , IAU Assembly, Beijing, China
The impact of non-equilibrium cloud formation on the atmosphere chemistry
June 2012, contributed talk, Opacities in Cool Stars and Exoplanets , Windsor, UK
What properties of M dwarfs can we reliably infer from models?
June 2012, invited talk, Splinter Meeting ‘M Dwarf Stars in the Light of
(Future) Exoplanet Searches’ at Cool Stars 17 , Barcelona, Spain
More Information
Theory of Clouds
June 2012, invited review, Splinter ‘Clouds in Brown Dwarfs and Giant Gas Planets’ at Cool Stars 17 , Barcelona, Spain
More Information
Spectral test cases for model atmospheres of planetary atmospheres
May 2012, ETH Zurich, EChO WG1
Why Brown Dwarfs need their minerals
March 2012, Invited Seminar, University of Hertfortshire
Modelling cloud formation in extraterrestrial atmospheres
February 2012, Invited Seminar, University of Leeds
Atmospheric dust
January 2012, invited review, ExoClimes 2012 meeting, Aspen Center for Physics
Dust cloud formation models
December 2011, invited review, GCM & Exoplanets , Exeter, UK
Electrification in extraterrestrial atmospheres
November 2011, Franco-British meeting at French Embassy, London, UK
Science and Technology Department
LEAP – charge processes in planetary atmospheres
November 2011, St Andrews, UK
Modelling seed formation, growth and evaporation of dust in oxygen-rich astrophysical environments
September 2011, AstroSurf Meeting 2011, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
Extraterrestrial lightning in atmospheric dust clouds
05 October 2011, La Cité Internationale des Congrès Nantes Métropole, Nantes, France
see more
Cloud formation in brown dwarf atmospheres
September 2011, invited talk, AG Meeting Heidelberg, Germany
The richness of substellar physics:
From cloud formation, lightning, and bow shocks
May 2011, Colloquium, Vienna, Austria
Modelling dust formation in brown dwarf and planetary atmospheres
March 2011, Kavli Royal Society International Center, Chicheley Hall , UK
Modelling cloudy atmopsheres:
Element abundances as parameter and as result
March 2011, University College London, UK
Lightning in cloudy extra-solar atmospheres?
February 2011, Planet Formation and Evolution , Goettigen, Germany
Making extra terrestrial jewellery
The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh, Scotland , UK, 2010
Thunder in Brown Dwarfs and planets?
November 2010, Uppsala
The jewelry of luminous giants and dim dwarfs (Abstract)
October 2010, The Newcastle upon Tyne Astronomical Society, Newcastle, UK
The WASP12 star-planet system: How shocking can it be?
September 2010, Zooming in: The Cosmos at High Resolution , 2010 Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft, Bonn, Germany
July 2010, ERC grant panel, Brussels, Belgium
(postponed due to Icelandic volcano eruption)
Making extra-terrestrial jewelry
July 2010, The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh
Atmosphere Chemistry in substellar objects: Brown Dwarfs and giant gas planets (Abstract)
June 2010, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
Masking the truth:
Metallicity effects with substellar atmosphere clouds (Abstract)
June 2010, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de l’Observatoire de Grenoble, France
Kinetic dust formation and turbulence modeling in substellar atmospheres
Mai 2010, European Geoscience Union, General Assembly 2010, Planetary & Solar System Sciences , Vienna
Metals in the exosphere of WASP-12b
March 2010, Coffee discussion, KITP Santa Barbara, US
How dead is the dead zone??
March 2010, Coffee discussion, KITP Santa Barbara, US
Dust formation, turbulence and large scale atmosphere simulations
March 2010, Coffee discussion, KITP Santa Barbara, US
Physik und Chemie in kalten Atmosphaeren: Von Braunen Zwergen, Riesen und Planeten
January 2010, Invited Talk, University Wuerzburg
The jewelry of luminous giants and dim dwarfs (Abstract)
November 2009, Institute of Physics at Sellafield , Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK
Physics and Chemistry in Dust Forming Objects and
Observation and Analysis of Starlight
October 2009, Invited Talks, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Atmospheric clouds: element sink and charge source (Abstract)
9 October 2009, Invited Talk, RAS Discussion Day : Exoplanets and their Environments Burlington House, London
Theoretical and observational differences between BDs and free-floating planets (Abstract)
September 2009, Invited Talk, workshop Recipes for making brownies : theory vs. observation,
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Atmosphaeren am stellaren Limit
August 2009, Invited Talk, University Hamburg, Germany
Silicate, ruby, and opal in the atmospheres of Brown Dwarfs and planets
April 2009, Contributed Talk, Robert Cormack Bequest Meeting 2009, Dundee, Scotland, UK
Weather forecast for extra-solar objects: Modeling dust cloud formation and turbulence
April 2009, Seminar, University Rostock, Germany
A method of modeling dust formation in atmospheric environments
April 2009, Seminar, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany
Atmospheric dust clouds and charge production in Brown Dwarfs
March 2009, Seminar, University Glasgow, Scotland, UK
Cloud Chemistry in Cool and Compact Atmospheres
March 2009, Contributed Talk, Conference: The Formation of Planets: The Solar System and Extrasolar Planets ,Tuebingen, Germany
Dust formation, charge production, and turbulence
February 2009, Invited talk, workshop Turbulence-Assisted Planet Growth , Upsalla, Sweden
The chemical evolution of dust and gas in substellar atmospheres
February 2009, Wednesday lunch talk, Kaptyn Institut, University Groningen, The Netherlands
The chemical evolution of dust and gas in substellar atmospheres
September 2008, Contributed Talk, Conference: Cosmic Dust – Near & Far , Heidelberg, Germany
Dust cloud formation in substellar atmospheres
July 2008, Invited Review Talk, Conference: Cool Stars 15 , St Andrews, UK
Comparative study of cloud formation in brown dwarf models
July 2008, Invited Splinter Talk, Conference: Cool Stars 15, Splinter: Observation and modelling of dusty, low gravity L, and M dwarfs, St Andrews, UK
Glittery clouds in exo-planetary atmospheres: An example for non-equilibrium dust formation
July 2008, Contributed Talk, 3rd Conference of the Astrobiology Society of Britain: “The Living Universe”, Cardiff, UK
Atmosphere simulations: Believe-it-or-not?
April 2008, Invited Colloquium, ARI Heidelberg, Germany
Brown Dwarf atmospheres: dust formation and radiative transfer
April 2008, Invited Seminar, University Goettingen, Germany
Shiny clouds in Brown Dwarfs
April 2008, Contributed Talk, Conference: National Astronomy Meeting of the RAS 2008 , Belfast, UK
Atmosphere simulations: Believe-it-or-not?
January 2008, ESTEC RSSD External Seminar (invited), Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Silicate, ruby, opal – Why gas giants keep their jewels in the atmosphere
October 2007, Contributed Talk, IAU Symposium 249 EXOPLANETS: Detection, Formation and Dynamics, Suzhou, China
Comparative study of dust cloud modelling in substellar atmospheres
September 2007, Contributed Talk in Splinter at AG meeting Cosmic Matter, Wuerzburg, Germany
Cloud formation in giant planets
June 2007, Invited Talk at Extreme Solar Systems, Santorini, Greece
Heavy Weather: Cloud formation in brown dwarfs and giant planets
June 2007, Seminar, St Andrews, Scotland, UK
The challenge of substellar cloud formation
May 2007, Invited Talk at Trends in Radiation Hydrodynamics, NORDITA, Stockholm, Sweden
The jewelry of luminous giants and dim dwarfs
March 2007, University Wuerzburg, (invited) Seminar
Catching the rain: Non-equilibrium dust cloud formation
January 2007, (invited) Colloquium, MPI Mainz, Germnay
Dust formation in cool atmospheres
May 2006, Invited Talk, Birthday colloquium for Prof.Pfau and Prof. Zimmermann, Jena, Germany
June 2006, Invited Talk, Physics Colloquium, Jena, Germany
Time-dependent modelling of oxygen-rich dust formation
August 2006, Contributed Talk, JD 11, IAU General Assembly, Prague, CSR
Introduction to Workshop Idea
October 2006, Initiating Talk, From Brown Dwarfs to Planets: Comparative Workshop, Lorence Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Catching the rain: Recent success in brown dwarf atmosphere modelling
November 2006, Michelson Science Center, CalTech, Pasadena, US
Stellar Dust Formation: A theoretical approach in application
January 2005, Invited Colloquium, University Bochum, Germany
The need for the smallest & the largest: The brown dwarf’s weather
January 2005, Invited Colloquium, MPI Bonn, Germany
The need for small-scale turbulence in substellar atmospheres
April 2005, Contributed Talk, Workshop on Interdisciplinary Aspects of Turbulence, Ringberg, Germany
Simulations of substellar atmospheres: More than an extra-terrestrial weather forecast?
May 2005, Invited Colloquium, Sterrewacht Leiden, The Netherlands
Make dust equivalents
May 2005, ThinkShop, University Jena, Germany
Modelling dust properties at the L-T transition
October 2005, Contributed Talk, Brown Dwarf workshop, PPV, Hawaii, US
Gemstones in brown dwarf atmospheres?
November 2005, Seminar, American Museum of National History, New York, US
Before 2005
2004: Prag, 2x Hamburg, Leiden, Noordwijk, Berlin (habil)
2003: Freiburg, Garching, Jena, Magdeburg, Postdam, Weimar
2002: Berlin, Garching
2001: Muenchen, Prag, Berlin
2000: Bremen, Magdeburg
1999: Goettingen, Wien, 2x Berlin
1997: Kopenhagen