Von fernen, fremden Welten
Vortrag, Halle für Kunst, Steiermark, 21. April 2022
Public talk 2020
October 12, 2020, AstroFest : Lana & Tardi Live Stream Event Calendar,
–> Ask a Scientist! “What is a planet?”
with Prof. Svetlana Berdyugina, Dr. Christiane Helling, and Dr. Karen Meech
April 2018, Lecture for Universities of St Andrews Open Association
Public talk 2018
Climate on Exoplanets
Monifieth Probus Club, 22 May 2018
Public talks 2017

Sparkling clouds and the crackling of lightning in extrasolar planets
Winter series of British Science Association during Women in Science Festival in Dundee.
16 March 2017, D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theater, Tower Building, Dundee University; admission free
Have we reached the horizon of our knowledge?
Cloud formation in brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets
30 November 2017, FMF Symposium, Groningen
Cloud formation is a long-standing challenge that recently received new attention with the discovery of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. Clouds are part of our everyday-life on Earth, most of the solar system planets are covered with clouds, and clouds do determine (and limit) our knowledge about exoplanet’s habitability. Clouds are linked to lightning which is discussed as trigger for life on Earth and maybe elsewhere. Modelling the formation of clouds is seen as one of the biggest challenges in modern astronomy, and clouds introduce the largest uncertainty into terrestrial climate predictions. So, have we reached our limits?
Space & Scotland
Article about the St Andrews Centre for Exoplanet Science, Issue 2 (Spring 2017)
University Observatory Open Night
26 November 2016
The University Observatory holds its second Open Night of 2016. Many activities are going on, of course observational, for kids, but also a couple of 20mins-talks are given.
Dr Christiane Helling contributes with a talk ‘Lightning, Gemstone Clouds and the meaning of life’. Gabi Hodosan helped organising the children activities which included rocket launches and building your own habitable planet!
Our research featured in the Discover magazine
December, 2015
Storms on Other Worlds Lightning might last only an instant, but it can shape a planet’s atmosphere and even spark life.
Anstruther Science Coffee
Christiane Helling gives a talk at the Anstruther Science Cafe on 25 September 2014 on ‘Gemstones and Clouds in planets outside the solar system’ : Do all planets have clouds? Do only planets have clouds? What could they be made of? This talk will dwell a little upon the above questions and give a small glimpse of what St Andrews researcher have contributed to this topic. — Did you know that gemstone clouds can produce lightning?
University Observatory Open Night
8 March 2014
The University Observatory holds its first Open Night of 2014. Many activities are going on, of course observational, for kids, but also a couple of 15mins-talks are given.
Dr Christiane Helling contributes with a talk
‘Lightning in Gemstone Clouds in Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets’
Paul Rimmer contributes with a talk
‘Super-collisions over your head: high-energy physics and cosmic ray air showers’
Isabel Rodriguez Barrera contributes with a talk
Graham Lee demonstrates the local radio telescope.
University Observatory Open Night
30 November 2013
The University Observatory holds its second Open Night of 2013. Many activities are going on, of course observational, for kids, but also a couple of 15mins-talks are given.
Dr Christiane Helling contributes with a talk
‘Lightning in Gemstone Clouds in Brown Dwarfs and Extrasolar Planets’
Dundee Science Festival 2013
Dundee Science Festival 2013
Drs Natalia Korolkova & Paul Rimmer merge their areas of scientific expertise during their contribution ‘Quantum Communication with Extraterrestrial Planets: Worlds with gemstone clouds and a quantum way to talk to other worlds’ to the Dundee Science Festival in November 2013.
Dr Craig Stark , Gabriella Hodosan and Graham Lee will support this activity by helping with a Cosmic Ray Experiment.
Three presentation will be held on 18 November 2013.
Popular Science Book ‘Wolken’ release in Spring 2013
The German popular science book about physics of clouds, written by Christiane Helling, will be published in spring 2013 by the publisher Primus . Christiane has included the basic concepts of cloud formation on Earth which are also applied to planets outside our solar system. The book is illustrated by many of her cloud photos taken in Scotland. Christiane’s book about clouds, ‘Wolken’ is the German word for ‘Clouds’, is part of the publisher’s series ‘Wissen im Quadrat’.
At Christmas 2011: “Sternentaler” in Deutschlandradio
“Sternentaler mit Edelsteinen” im Deutschlandradio / Sternzeit
Science Results for Popular Use
Climate on Exoplanets
Monifieth Probus Club, 22 May 2018
Have we reached the horizon of our knowledge?
Cloud formation in brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets
30 November 2017, FMF Symposium, Groningen
Sparkling clouds and the crackling of lightning in extrasolar planets
Winter series of British Science Association during Women in Science Festival in Dundee. 16 March 2017
Planets, Atmospheres, Electricity, Life
Quantum SOC , University of St Andrews, 11 March 2015
Gemstones and Clouds in planets outside the solar system
Anstruther Science Cafe, 25 September 2014
Gemstone clouds in extrasolar planets
Dundee Science Festival, Hannah McLure Centre, November 2012
Making extra terrestrial jewellery
The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 2010
The jewellery of luminous giants and dim dwarfs
September/October 2010, Institute of Physics at
The Newcastle upon Tyne Astronomical Society, Newcastle, UK
The jewellery of luminous giants and dim dwarfs
November 2009, Institute of Physics at Sellafield, Whitehaven, Cumbria, UK
Staubbildung – Die Entstehung der ersten Oberflaeche im Weltall
Bruno-Buergel-Sternwarte, Berlin-Spandau, November 2002
Sonnen und Sonnenfinsternisse
Wilhelm-Foerstern-Sternwarte am Insulaner, Berlin-Steglitz, Juli 1999
Writen Contributions
Rote Riesen (in German)
(abi Berufswahl-Magazin 3/2000)
Sternenstaub Teil I: Edelsteine im All? (in German)
(Sterne und Weltraum 02/2002)
Sternenstaub Teil II: Staubbildung in den Huellen Langperiodisch Veraenderlicher (in German)
(Sterne und Weltraum 03/2002)
Broadcast & Interviews
Discovery journal, 2014/2015
Christmas 2011: “Edelsteinwolken” in DeutschlandradioInterview, 26th of December:
“Edelsteinwolken auf Braunen Zwergen” in Deutschlandradio / Sternzeit
Interview “Edelsteinwolken auf Braunen Zwergen” Interview Deutschlandradio, 21 September 2011
Geo-Wissen Streitgespräch Wie weise ist die Wissenschaft? / How wise is science?
GEO Wissen Nr. 03/02
Interview hobby-map.de